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Seek, Answer, Relate, Apply 



To help you develop your information literacy and communication skills as well as spark your curiosity in the field of stress and pain, you will complete a "SARA" project. You will research a question, prepare a well-designed 5-8 minute slide presentation, record the presentation and share it with your classmates. You will also create three multiple-choice questions on your presentation. Complete details are below.

Each student needs to watch 15 SARAs and take their associated quiz. If you do more, I will count your best 15. 


1. Choose a question from the list below by going to the SARA goggle sheet and writing your name beside that question. There is a link to this google sheet on your Canvas homepage for Stress and Pain. - first come, first serve, so don't delay. 

2. Answer the question.  To answer your question, you will need to find and use a minimum of three articles, and at least two must be peer-reviewed.  For help finding peer-reviewed sources and/or using boolean operators- watch the videos below. 

To answer your SARA question, don't just tell us the "facts". Describe and summarize the evidence from your sources to support those facts.

3. Relate what you learned to one or more specific facts/findings/theories (FFTs) in the class.  For example, does the info you found contradict an FFT? Does the information you found provide an example or application of an FFT?  Go beyond the obvious for top points. Talk about this on a slide with the title "Time to Relate"

4. Apply what you learned.  Using a slide with the title "Time to Apply",  talk about how you can use the information you found to better your life and/or others. Be specific and insightful. Saying only "this will make people healthier" is not adequate.  

5. Put together a well-designed slideshow to share your SARA with your classmates. Use pleasing colors, graphics and/or photos, simple fonts (e.g. calibri, arial), and minimal text on a slide (use short but descriptive bullet points and not full sentences). If you have more than 3 bullet points on a slide, have them appear one at a time as you talk about them. You can create your slide show using PowerPoint, Canva, or google slides. To record a video of your presentation, I recommend ScreenCast-omatic. This is a free app for recording your screen. Of course, there are many other fine APPs. Once your recording is made - verify that the sound and video both work! Then, you will upload it to a shared Google folder located on the Canvas homepage. Make sure you save your recording using your name and short title of the presentation (e.g. Lynn W Pets and Wellbeing.mp4). Finally, copy the link to your video and paste it into the Canvas assignment called "Your SARA video presentation".

6. Create 3 multiple-choice questions. Each question needs to have 4 options (a-d). The question should be easy to answer if someone watched your SARA presentation, however, the answer should not be directly on one of your slides. Finally, your questions need to be about important and meaningful material discussed in your presentation. Please read and re-read your questions to make sure they are clear and well-phrased. Do not include your questions in your video. You will submit your questions in Canvas. Be sure to tell me the correct answer for each question!

7. Submit your video and 3 questions by the due date. Remember, drop your video into the shared google folder and paste the link into Canvas (see step 5). Upload your 3 questions to Canvas (see step 6).


You need to tell people where you got your information from. If everything on a given slide comes from the same article, then you can include a brief citation for the article in the corner of the slide (e.g. Smith & Jones, 2020). If the information on a slide comes from several articles, then include a brief citation beside each bit of information. You should make the font size for the brief citation smaller than the main text as this should not be the focus of your presentation. The last slide of your presentation will be your APA-formatted reference list. Put the articles in alphabetical order and remove any hyperlinks. Make sure you know how to cite and create a reference list in APA format and style.

One common error people make is with how they write DOIs. Specifically, they include the SUU library info in the DOI address. This is not correct because anyone who is outside of the SUU community will not be able to access the link. See the incorrect and correct ways to write DOIs below. Make sure to get them correct on your SARA slide :)  



Not sure how to reference?

Click on the tab "Help Referencing APA Style" - located below on this webpage. You can also use the Scribbr app. User beware! Scribbr isn't perfect. Journal article titles are not italicized, but the name of the journal is. For article titles, capitalize the first letter of the first word, personal pronouns, and places. If the title contains a colon, capitalize the first letter of the first word after the colon. For journal titles, capitalizes the first letter of all key words. Do not capitalize words like an, of, the  - unless they happen to be the first word of the title (e.g. The New England Journal of Medicine).

Using AI and Article Requirements

You may use AI on the SARA project as a means of generating attractive slides and ideas for the content. However, user beware. AI will sometimes fabricate sources (e.g. articles). You MUST read the articles you use, so you should catch this.  Ultimately, you are responsible for the accuracy of the things you turn in. Blind and uncritical use of AI could result in a lower grade than what you would have received without it.

Not sure what your Slide Presentation should look like?

Check out the samples below.

Do you really want to ACE this project?

Check out the checklist and grading rubrics below and make sure you do everything that is in them.

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