Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Brain and Behavior Human Lab 3

Before this lab:
Take the pre-lab quiz. Click on the button below for a preview of what you will see on Canvas. The preview tells you which videos to watch on the "Biofeedback Resources" page.
For those of you wanting to know more about EEG, go to this link and download the free EEG Guide
Meeting location: GC 310b
Group A 3:00 pm sharp Group B 4:30 pm sharp
1. review of EEG required reading and videos
2. EEG setup and recording demonstration using one student
3. review project description and instructions
4. review equipment cleaning & maintenance requirements
5. adjourn
Project Description:
Does digital and analog music affect EEG in the same way? We will find out by comparing EEG activity (specifically frontal alpha and beta asymmetry) for the two conditions. Each time, the subject will hear a song played through headphones connected to the music source via an aux cable. The music source (mp3 vs cassette player) will be behind them so that they will not know what the source is. The same song will be played twice, counterbalanced for order among the different subjects.
You need to schedule a time to use this room - so that you can record EEG from one other labmate. You will also analyze that person's data before the end of the semester. To book this room, speak to me well in advance.