Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Stress and Pain
Attendance and Participation
Fall and spring classes only
This class is not your typical university psych class. You will NOT come to class to hear a lecture. Before you get too excited - there will be lectures. It's just that they are pre-recorded and you will watch them "at home" according to a set schedule. These lectures will be divided up into "video segments" with a short multiple-choice quiz at the end of each. For every correct answer you get, you earn "bonus points" which can be redeemed at the end of the semester for "rewards".
Actual class time will be devoted to "studio class" - where we will work on pod reflections, class activities, and projects (everything except segment quizzes) in groups called a learning pod. Midway through the semester, pods will be reassigned so that each of you will belong to two different pods total. What a great way to make new friends, eh?
Studio class attendance is required. You cannot contribute if you are not there! Moreover, most activities will be completed in class. If you are absent, you will not be able to do them. To sweeten the pot even more, you will earn 5 bonus points for attending. Note however, if you are tardy, you lose 1 point. If you leave early, you lose 1 point.
What about zoom? I do not zoom my classes. If you wish, you can ask a podmate to zoom you in. However, you will not earn bonus points for attendance.

Time Commitment
Fall and spring classes only
You will be watching approximately 27 hours of recorded lectures and attending 34 hours of studio classes. You should be able to complete many of the graded activities during studio class time. However, the SARA and the self-assessment projects will require extra time outside of class. How much time is difficult to estimate, but 30-40 hours total seems reasonable. This means you will need to invest about 7 hours/week throughout the semester. This might seem like a lot, but it is less than the 9 hours per week expected from the Utah System of Higher Education. Plus, you will learn things that may help you live a longer, happier life!
Online summer classes only
You will be watching approximately 27 hours of recorded lectures. The projects (SARA and self-assessment) and reflections will require extra time. How much time is difficult to estimate, but 70 hours total seems reasonable. This means you will need to invest about 7 hours/week throughout the semester. This might seem like a lot, but it is less than the 9 hours per week expected from the Utah System of Higher Education. Plus, you will learn things that may help you live a longer, happier life!