Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Brain and Behavior Human Lab
Project Presentation

You and your labmates will prepare and record a narrated slide presentation that will be watched by students in the animal lab and PSY4510. The presentation should be about 15-20 minutes long. Each of you must contribute equally to the project and the presentation. In turn, you will watch a 15-20 minute presentation that the animal lab students will prepare for you.
Presentation Requirements
1. Use a dynamite slide template. Avoid drab colors and be sure to include pictures and clip art. Use a font size that is easy to read (e.g. arial, calibri) and include minimal text on each slide.
2. After your title slide, include a background slide. Here you summarize the results of 4 peer-reviewed papers. One on the effect of music on EDA, one on the effect of music on EEG, and one on the effect of music HR and HRV, and one on the effect of music on emotions.
3. Include a "Our Project" slide to explain what your project was about and what hypothesis were tested.
4. Include the following six slides:
1. Participants, Materials, and Procedures for the EDA study 2. Results of the EDA study
3. Participants, Materials, and Procedures for the EEG study
4. Results of the EEG study
5. Participants, Materials, and Procedures for the HR/HRV study
6. Results of the HR/HRV study
5. Include a Summary, Limitations, and Future Research slide.
6. Include an APA-formatted "References" slide

This may seem daunting but I am here to support you every step of the way!