Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Class announcements
Project details and/or materials will be solidified once selected. Once a protocol is approved, no student may deviate from the project protocol without first receiving approval from me. We must stay within certain parameters or we will get in trouble from the IRB.
Projects may differ somewhat in their time commitment, but each member of the research team should expect to spend a minimum 20-25 hours over the course of the semester on their project.
If a team would like to consider presenting their project at RMPA, this will necessitate extra work: an IRB submission, a more extensive literature review, and the potential to make a “novel contribution” to the literature. Extra care will need to go into the design, execution, and analysis of the project. You might need to collect additional data in Jan-Feb as well. Only serious students should attempt this, but if they are successful – the rewards are immeasurable!