Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Effect of viewing social media on HR and HRV
In Lab 5, you will divide into three equal groups. One group will test in GC008 computer lab, one in GC310b, and one in 009a.
Participants: SUU students you know and who have agreed to participate. All must be at least 18 years old and not on any medication (prescription or otherwise, birth control is ok).
Materials: a demographic questionnaire, a mood question, a social media questionnaire, Biopack MP36 biofeedback machine, BSL pro 4.1 biofeedback software, ECG sensors, and gel. I will provide you with the questionnaires.
Procedure: A summary of the procedure is here
HR & HRV measurements: You will calculate the mean HR and SD of the R-R interval for the last minute of baseline, mean HR and SD of the R-R interval for the social media condition, and the mean HR and SD of the R-R interval for the condition. I will provide a data record sheet for you to enter this information.
I will perform a statistical analysis of the data and give the results to the team that will be presenting this project at the end of the semester.