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Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Complete the R-R-R submission form for each of the assigned papers below. Note that there are word limits for certain fields. Make sure you adhere to them!
WARNING! A TA will read these. He/she is required to keep everything confidential - but you may wish to omit information which is highly personal.
Reading List
RRR1: Health Psychology: Where Are We And Where
Do We Go From Here?
RRR4: Psychoneuroimmunology
To get this article, go to the SUU library webpage.
Scroll down until you see the heading "Using the library - on the left side of the screen. Select
"Articles and Journals". Next, select "PsychInfo" database. In the top search field, type in (exactly): "a bio-psycho-social approach to health and disease" - then find and download the article by
RRR5: Epigenetics
RRR6: Psychology of Pain
To get this article, go to the SUU library website. Scroll down until you see the heading "Using the library - on the left side of the screen. Select "Articles and Journals". Next, select "Academic
Search Ultimate" database. In the first field box, type in (using quotes) "The Psychology of Pain".
Select the 2009 Scientific American article written by the author "Fields"... approx 4th one down
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