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Video Segment Quizzes

We will cover a total of 10 modules over the course of the semester. There will be pre-recorded "video segments" within each module, totaling (approximately) 27 hours. After each video segment is completed you will take a very short, multiple choice segment quiz. There will be a 3-day grace period for you to take a segment quiz late. These multiple choice quizzes are open media. This means you can use anything you like to help you with the quiz (e.g. my slides or video) just NOT another person.

Athough the pre-recorded video segments are on this website, you need to watch them on Canvas. To do this, simply go to Canvas and click on the quiz that corresponds to the module and segment number that you need to watch. Why do I have you watch videos this way? Because you will be able to use "annoto" to take notes, make comments, and ask questions. Annoto will load automatically for you in Canvas.

Please be advised. These quizzes are not team projects! Sharing answers is considered cheating and this will be dealt with very strictly according to SUU policy.

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