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Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Brain and Behavior Human Lab 4

EEG Pre-processing and Analysis
Meeting location: GC 310b at 3:00 pm
1. Review required reading and videos
2. Learn how to clean up (i.e. remove noise and other artifacts from EEG signals)
3. Learn how to run a Fast Fourier and power analysis on the EEG recording
4. Learn how to export data for analysis
Reminder: you need to schedule a time to use this room - so that you can record EEG from one other labmate. You will also analyze that person's data before the end of the semester. To book this room, speak to me well in advance.
BEFORE this lab read pp 39-50 of the EEG Guide you downloaded for the previous lab
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