Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Research Design
Class Announcements
Finals week!
office hours Mon 10-2, Tue 1-3, Wed 10-1:30, Th 12-2
December 12: Deadline to submit complete written APA report
December 13: individual students may create or revise any of the following pptx to improve their grade: method, results, conclusion. Must be the individual's work, and you may not simply re-submit what has already been submitted! Maximum grade will be 90%. No late pptx accepted.
December 14: Want extra credit? Attend Dr. Flom's talk on the Development of Mind, 11:00-12:00 in GC 305. You are also invited to a meet and greet from 1:30-2:15 in GC 309. This could be your next prof!
December 15: Progress test 4 on module 7 and chi squares (pre-lecture quiz 13, post-lecture quizzes 12-14) will be in GC 008 at 9:00 am.
You must arrive on time!
Happy Holidays!
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