Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Team Project Assignments

Statistics Lab
team project SPSS file setup
and "Our Sample" slide
For this assignment: you will create an SPSS data file (.sav) containing all the data from your team's survey. You will also begin to prepare the next slide for your end-of-semester presentation called the "Our sample" slide.
First, open up SPSS and then import the data from Excel. Your team's data is in an Excel file attached to an announcement on your team's homepage in Canvas. Next, code the variables that need coding, and designate each variable's scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, or scale). Finally, upload this .sav file to the assignment "team assign 2" in Canvas. If you forgot how to do all this in SPSS, watch lab lecture 2.
Only this assignment's team leader uploads the .sav file but ALL of you need to have your own copy saved somewhere.

Our Sample Slide
You will now prepare this slide, but at this point, the only "data" you will include is the total sample size. The rest of the data and the graphs will be inserted next week.
Have a look at the example of this slide below to see what will ultimately be included. Note: I used a pie chart in the example. You will use a bar chart.