Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
Team Project Assignments
Statistics Lab
chi square test
Submit after you review your feedback from SPSS assignment 9.
SOLO ANALYSIS: You will need to run a chi-square test of independence on two categorical variables to see if they are related to each other. Scroll down to the end of this page to see which two variables you are to analyze for your project. If you forgot how to run chi square tests using SPSS, watch lab lecture 10
In the lab: Once you compare answers in the lab and determine which answers are correct, your team will create and submit two pptx slides: one slide for their chi-square test information and table, and one slide for the relevant SPSS output with the numbers used hi-lighted. Make sure you include the SPSS output showing the % of the sample within each row and each column.
On the chi-square slide, be sure to report the statistical results in correct APA format. Please see this sample pptx for what goes on the chi-square slide.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Climate change: Use a chi-square contingency test to answer the question "Do you believe you are doing all that you can to minimize your carbon footprint" dependent on political party affiliation?" Use the variables "politics" and "footprint"
American immigrants: First: You will need to create a NEW variable called "Opinion_valence". To do this, tell SPSS to take the score on the Positive Belief Scale and minus the score on the Negative Belief Scale. Second: create ANOTHER new variable called "Opinion_ valence_category" to label people as either positive or negative. You learned how to convert a numerical variable into a categorical one in Digital Wellness Assignment 9. Use a chi-square contingency test to answer the question "Do attitudes towards immigrants/immigration (positive, negative) depend on political party affiliation?" Use the variables "opinion_valence_category" and "politics"
Gun violence: Use a chi-square contingency test to answer the question "Do perceptions of restricting gun ownership and its effect on gun violence depend on political party affiliation?" Use the variables "restriction_effect" and "politics"
Transgender discrimination: Use a chi-square contingency test to answer the question "Do perceptions of who faces more discrimination (transmen, transwomen, both equally, or neither) depend on political party affiliation?" Use the variables "politics" and "transmen-transwomen"
Discrimination everywhere except my backyard: First: use the PED scale to categorize participants into one of two categories: has personally experienced discrimination vs. has not personally experienced discrimination. You learned how to convert a numerical variable into a categorical one in Digital Wellness Assignment 9. Then - use a chi-square contingency test to answer the question "does personal experience with discrimination depend on political party"? . Then run a chi square using the variables "PED_category" and "politics".