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Team Project Assignments

Statistics Lab


One-way ANOVA

Submit your final pptx slides after you review your feedback from SPSS assignment 7.

SOLO ANALYSIS: Each student will run a one-way ANOVA on their team project data - independent or repeated as appropriate - on the variables I tell them to. Scroll to the end of this page to find out what your analysis will be. If you forgot how yo run a one-way ANOVA using SPSS, watch lab lecture 8.


In the lab, compare your results to your teammates. If your answers differ, try and figure out who is right and why other(s) got it wrong. Let me know if you need help.

Once you are certain of the correct answers: Each team will create and submit 2-3 pptx slides: 1-2 slides for their ANOVA, post hoc test information (if needed), and EXCEL graph. The last slide will include the relevant SPSS output with the numbers used hi-lighted. Make sure you include the SPSS output showing the means and SEMs used in your graph, and not just the Levene's test, ANOVA, and post hoc test results.

Note:  If you run a one-way independent ANOVA, SPSS will not give you the SEM for each mean. To calculate them, you will need to use "Explore". You've done this before, but to jog your memory, go to Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Explore.  

On the ANOVA slide, you are asked to report the statistical results in correct APA format. This is illustrated below. Note: If you are having trouble inserting the symbols correctly into your pptx, you can copy and paste them from this document.


(df,df) = actual value for F, = the sig. value, ηp = the value for partial eta squared (note make sure the 2 is in superscript).


e.g.  F(3,36) = 4.43, p = .043, ηp = .125    You can choose between reporting the actual sig. value, p >.05 or p<.05 as appropriate and whichever will look more impressive. Remember our discussion in class about this?

Please see this sample pptx for what goes on the ANOVA slide. Note that the sample slide shows an LSD -t-test. I have asked you to use Tukey.

If you need to, check on this video on how to add SEMs (also called y-error bars) to graphs.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Climate change: Conduct a one-way ANOVA to answer the question:  Does political party affiliation have any effect on support for social actions to address climate change? Note: the DV is each person's score on the "social action scale". If the ANOVA is significant, be sure to run post hoc tests (Tukey or pairwise comparisons, depending on which type of ANOVA you ran). Make sure you choose the appropriate ANOVA!

American immigrants:  Conduct a one-way ANOVA to answer the question: does political party affiliation have any effect on positive beliefs about immigrants?  Note: the DV is each person's score on the "positive beliefs scale". If the ANOVA is significant, be sure to run post hoc tests (Tukey or pairwise comparisons, depending on which type of ANOVA you ran). Make sure you choose the appropriate ANOVA!

Gun violence: Conduct a one-way ANOVA to answer the question: does political party affiliation have any effect on support for firearm restrictions? Note: the DV is each person's score on the "restriction support scale". If the ANOVA is significant, be sure to run post hoc tests (Tukey or pairwise comparisons, depending on which type of ANOVA you ran). Make sure you choose the appropriate ANOVA!

Transgender discrimination: Conduct a one-way ANOVA to answer the question: does political party affiliation have any effect on support for transpeople to make their own decisions on sports participation, which restrooms they wish to use, and how they designate their gender for insurance purposes? Note: the DV is each person's score on the "TFREEscale". If the ANOVA is significant, be sure to run post hoc tests (Tukey or pairwise comparisons, depending on which type of ANOVA you ran). Make sure you choose the appropriate ANOVA!


Discrimination everywhere except my backyard:  Conduct a one-way ANOVA to answer the question: does the referenced location (USA, UT, SUU) affect the perception that discrimination is a serious problem? Note: the DV is each person's score on the perceived severity of discrimination scale for the location being referenced. If the ANOVA is significant, be sure to run post hoc tests (Tukey or pairwise comparisons, depending on which type of ANOVA you ran). Make sure you choose the appropriate ANOVA!



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