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Team Project Assignments

Statistics Lab


SOLO analysis: run an independent or dependent t-test (as appropriate) on the variables I tell you. See the bottom of this page. Submit your results to the SOLO analysis for team assignment 5 on Canvas. If you forgot how to run a t-test on SPSS, watch lab lecture 7


In the lab: Each team will create and submit two slides: one slide for their t-test information and EXCEL graph and one slide for the relevant SPSS output with the numbers used hi-lighted. Make sure you include the SPSS output showing the means and SEMs used in your graph, and not just the t-test and Cohen's results. If doing an independent t-test, include the Levene's test results.


On the t-test slide, you are asked to report the statistical results in correct APA format. This is illustrated below:


Submit after you review your feedback from SPSS assignment 6.


 t(df) = actual value for t, = the sig. value, d = the value for Cohen's d


e.g.  (36) = 4.43, p = .043, d = .34   Note that t, p, and d are italicized. Also, you can choose between reporting the actual sig. value, p >.05 or p<.05 as appropriate and whichever will look more impressive. Remind me to talk about this.


If you get a significant t-test, you must tell me the direction of the difference (who scored higher or lower). Do not just say that the groups are different.


Please see the sample pptx for what goes on the t-test slide. Note: the sample slide did not include Cohen's d, however, you must.

Click here for a video on how to add SEMs (also called y-error bars) to graphs.


Please let me know if you have any questions!


Climate change: Does resource use and consumption depend on sex? Use a t-test to compare the means on the "personal action scale" for male and female participants. 


American immigrants: Do negative perceptions of immigrants in the U.S. depend on sex? Use a t-test to compare the means on the "negative perception scale" for male and female participants. 


COVID vaccine myths and mandates: Does believing in COVID-19 myths depend on sex? Use a t-test to compare the means on the "COVID myth scale" for male and female participants. 


Gun violence:  Does support for firearm restrictions depend on sex? Use a t-test to compare the means on the "Restriction support scale" for male and female participants. 


Transgender participation in sports:  Each participant indicated the extent to which they agreed with two statements: Transmen are discriminated against in the U.S. and Transwomen are discriminated against in the U.S.  Do perceptions of discrimination depend on the gender identity of the trans person? Use a t-test to compare the mean for "transmen are discriminated against" vs. the mean for "transwomen are discriminated against".


Discrimination everywhere except my backyard  Does the perceived severity of discrimination at SUU depend on participant gender i.d.? Use a t-test to compare the means on the "perceived severity of discrimination at SUU scale" for male and female participants. 

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