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Brain and Behavior Class
Chapter 8: March 26
Chapter 8: March 26
chapter 8
Project Reports
Connecting students to knowledge
and its application
Southern Utah University
Lynn White, Ph.D.
1. Introduction to Factorial ANOVA (5 min)
2. Two-way independent ANOVA (4 min)
Chapter 10 Recording Segments
4. Review of two-way ANOVAs (9 min)
3. Two way ANOVA and main effects (3 min)
5. Understanding factorial ANOVA jargon (11 min)
6. Calculating marginal and cell means (6 min)
14. ANOVAs and the pecking hierarchy (14 min)
7. Three effects in a two-way ANOVA (6 min)
15. two-way repeated ANOVA (5 min)
8. Significant main effects - A closer look (6 min)
16. Two-way repeated ANOVA - Example (9 min)
9. The interaction effect - A closer look (14 min)
17. SMEs in a two-way repeated ANOVA (9 min)
10. Tests of simple main effects (SMEs) (5 min)
18. two-way mixed ANOVA (4 min)
11. Tests of SMEs - an example (10 min)
19. two-way mixed ANOVA example (7 min)
12. Understanding SMEs using a graph (5 min)
20. SMEs in a two-way mixed ANOVA (6 min)
13. Diagonal comparisons in tests of SMEs (5 min)
21. Factorial ANOVAs and power (3 min)
22. Between vs. within subjects factors (5 min)
Statistics Class Home
23. Decision trees to identify the correct test (3 min)
Statistics Home
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